Friday, November 19, 2021




1 white rose, 1 pink candle, paper for notes; a red pen, 1 pink heart cut out of cardboard, 1 pink ribbon.




Remove the thorns from the rose. On a full moon in a quiet place, lay your rose by your pink candle. Light the candle, saying:


Love come calling

            To my real self be true.



Now write on your paper the type of relationship you desire. Do you want stability, loyalty, friendship – or passion, magic, excitement...


Dig deep. Be true to yourself. Don’t feel pressured to feel what you think you ought to feel. This is about what you really want.

When you are finished, look carefully at your list. Have you been honest with yourself. Have you left anything out? Have you listed anything truly unattainable?

If you wrote, for example, wealthy – did you also write 'generous'?

Did you write heterosexual – or not, as the case may be?

Did you write ‘emotionally available’ and ‘sexually faithful’? Or not.


When you are satisfied with your list, copy your desires on the pink heart with the red pen. Then take the heart, candle, ribbon and rose to where you can see the full moon.

Keep the candle burning.

Hold the rose out, towards the moon, with both hands.

Take three deep cleansing breaths – breathing in your desires and breathing out fear.


Now say:   


With this rose I draw to me

            The love and joy I need from thee

            The moon is high, the power near

            Whisper love in my ear

            Each petal glows with enchanted light

            As I transform this very night

            From bloom to stem, then to my heart

            Love circles round, and won't depart.

            With this rose I draw to me

Peace and joy and harmony.


Now take another deep cleansing breath, breathing in love and breathing out fear.

Lower your arms and read aloud the list on your pink heart.

Then take a deep breath and say:


                 As I will, so mote it be.


Now take 7 rose petals and place them on the heart. Roll the heart and rose petals securely. Tie with the pink ribbon. Hold the heart up to the moon (as you did with the rose) and say:


                As the wheel of the year turns

                I draw towards me the desires

                Emblazoned upon this heart.


Seal the ribbon with a bit of the pink wax from the burning candle.


To complete the spell, place the rolled-up heart in a safe, favourite place. The magic has begun! Allow the candle to completely burn until one inch remains. Then bury the leftover candle somewhere pretty on your property.


Now open your heart and welcome love in.

Start treating yourself as though you are already deeply loved



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